Working with For Loops and StringsFor this exercise, we are going to use a Macbeth transcript from Project Gutenberg to learn how to group common traits within a string and…Aug 2, 2021Aug 2, 2021
Preprocessing DataIn this blog, we are going to look at preprocessing data in order to get it ready for modeling. For this example we are going to use the…Jul 26, 2021Jul 26, 2021
Categorical ValuesWe will start by getting the Ames Housing dataset from and saving it as ames.csv so we…Jul 10, 2021Jul 10, 2021
A Look into Freaky Franchise’s Rotten Tomato CompetitionPodcasts are all the rage, especially in these weird times where many people have more free time than they did in the past. Today we are…Jul 4, 2021Jul 4, 2021
Missing DataDealing missing data is an important step. Missing data can cause issues when trying to run models, visualizing the data, calculating…Jun 27, 2021Jun 27, 2021
Graphing With Seaborn BasicsGraphs are a powerful tools that can be used to display information in an easy to disgust graphic without scaring people with extensive…Jun 21, 2021Jun 21, 2021
TMdB WalkthroughIn this post we will go through using the tmdb api to gather film information and save it in a dataframe. For more information check out…Jun 13, 2021Jun 13, 2021
The Basics of Functions in PythonOver the last year, I have become a huge fan of functionalizing code for ease of access and lessening repetition. In this post we are going…Jun 6, 2021Jun 6, 2021